I certainly hope S421 passes. It’s time we used language more precisely and Idaho sheds all pretense of not understanding science. I was surprised the bill didn’t mention that both males and females have X chromosomes. When the Y chromosome is present as well, a male (boy/man) results. If no Y chromosome is present, a female (girl/woman) results. Essentially, the basic equation is as follows:

Male: XY

Female: XX

There are a few subtleties, as the following very minimally edited sources explain:

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y_chromosome

“The Y chromosome is one of two sex chromosomes in therian (marsupials and placentals) mammals and other organisms. Along with the X chromosome, it is part of the XY sex-determination system, in which the Y is the sex-determining because it is the presence or absence of Y chromosome that determines the male or female sex of offspring produced in sexual reproduction. In mammals, the Y chromosome contains the SRY gene, which triggers development of male gonads. The Y chromosome is passed only from male parents to male offspring…”

NIH - Chromosomal Sex Determination in Mammals: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK9967/

“Primary sex determination is the determination of the gonads. In mammals, primary sex determination is strictly chromosomal and is not usually influenced by the environment. In most cases, the female is XX and the male is XY.

Every individual must have at least one X chromosome. Since the female is XX, each of her eggs has a single X chromosome. The male, being XY, can generate two types of sperm: half bear the X chromosome, half the Y.

If the egg receives another X chromosome from the sperm, the resulting individual is XX, forms ovaries, and is female; if the egg receives a Y chromosome from the sperm, the individual is XY, forms testes, and is male.

The Y chromosome carries a gene that encodes a testis-determining factor. This factor organizes the gonad into a testis rather than an ovary.

The mammalian Y chromosome is a crucial factor for determining sex in mammals. A person with five X chromosomes and one Y chromosome (XXXXXY) would be male. Furthermore, an individual with only a single X chromosome and no second X or Y (i.e., XO) develops as a female and begins making ovaries, although the ovarian follicles cannot be maintained. For a complete ovary, a second X chromosome is needed.

In mammalian primary sex determination, there is no “default state.” The formation of ovaries and testes are both active, gene-directed processes.”

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Truth is being manipulated in the world today but never so blatantly as in the definition of the sexes. Seems absurd that we are called intolerant when we speak truth. Time to say it bluntly. Thank you senator Toews. Let’s get this bill passed

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