Forces seeking to destroy our civilization have done well to focus on the family, and so must its defenders.
It is important to stand against ideas and processes seeking to undermine the family, but we cannot afford to articulate only negatives; it is also vital to stand directed by Philippians 4:8 as active witnesses to what is good. House Concurrent Resolution 35 seeks to establish a Traditional Family Values Month from Mother’s Day to Father’s day to celebrate the transformative power and beauty of God’s design for the family. The first week is devoted to motherhood; the second to sons, brothers, and uncles; the third to grandparents; the fourth to daughters, sisters, and aunts; and the fifth to fatherhood and the marriage between a man and a woman. The government would not expend any funds or tell people how to celebrate; the hope is for families, organizations, and schools to naturally innovate and plan events together. For some ideas, check out
Some have called this resolution hateful because it recognizes the unique strength of the traditional family. We absolutely must have compassion for people in suboptimal situations and recognize the achievements of hardworking single mothers, and we can do this while continuing to stand for the ideal. The truth is not hateful; to the contrary, love rejoices in truth.
Having passed the House, HCR 35 is sitting on the desk of the Senate State Affairs Committee awaiting a hearing. If you think this bill should be placed on the agenda, please let your legislators know!